Nathalie Bevis: Volunteering Tips

Nathalie Bevis is a 45-year old Alpharetta mom who knows the struggle of working fulltime while taking care of her family. Despite her busy schedule, she still makes time to volunteer with organizations she believes in on a regular basis to give back to others and set a good example for her children. She supports nonprofits that she believes in and is always looking for ways to pay it forward.

Nathalie Bevis

If you’re new to volunteering, tips like those touched on below can help you get more out of donating your time alongside people like Nathalie Bevis:

  • Commit

One of the most common reasons people don’t volunteer is that they never commit to a day. It’s easy to want to volunteer, but it’s harder to put your name down and solidify it. Do it now, on a day you know you’ll have free, and then write it into your schedule.

  • Go with a Friend

If you have any friends like Nathalie Bevis who volunteer on a regular basis, consider volunteering alongside them for your first couple experiences. This helps you get more familiar with volunteering and it can strengthen your bond with those you donate time with. Later, volunteer alone and try making new friends instead!

Alpharetta mom 45 Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA Images

Nathalie Bevis, 45, from Alpharetta, Georgia, is an international traveller and has visited over 25 countries around the globe. She shares that international travelling may seem intimidating but is easier than we think. Preparation is key.

Nathalie Bevis

Nathalie Bevis

Nathalie Bevis

Alpharetta mom Nathalie Bevis 45
Alpharetta mom Nathalie Bevis 45
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA

Nathalie Bevis, 45, from Alpharetta, Georgia, learning how to play pool on her down time. Nathalie is an experienced international traveler. To travel smartly, she recommends scanning the following documents – passport, visa, airline tickets, and photo identification before leaving home.

Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta, GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta, GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA

Nathalie Bevis, 45, from Alpharetta, Georgia, is an experienced traveller. She shares the following tips for first-time international travellers: Apply for a passport in advance, research your travel destination, check your visa and travel requirements, and plan your itinerary.

Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA
Nathalie Bevis
Nathalie Bevis of Alpharetta, GA, attending an event with her husband. The family moved from Canada to the US early this year. Nathalie is a corporate event planner with a decade of experience in the industry.
Nathalie Bevis of Alpharetta, GA
Nathalie Bevis of Alpharetta, GA, on vacation with her husband at the Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville, Tennessee. Travelling builds a stronger family relationship and it teaches her kids to be flexible and adaptable. Nathalie is a corporate event planner.
Nathalie Bevis
Nathalie Bevis of Alpharetta, GA, is a native of Laval in Quebec, Canada. She has lived in Montreal, Raleigh and Chicago before settling in Atlanta with her family early this year. A successful corporate event planner, she is also a full time mother and an active volunteer in her community


Nathalie Bevis

Alpharetta mom 45 Nathalie Bevis 2 Kids

Alpharetta mom Nathalie Bevis with 2 Kids

Alpharetta mom Nathalie Bevis with 2 Kids

Alpharetta mom Nathalie Bevis with Kids

Alpharetta mom Nathalie Bevis

Nathalie Bevis: Event Planning Tips

Nathalie Bevis – 45, Alpharetta, GA – is a busy mom and businesswoman who started her professional career in Montreal, Canada, as a Purchasing and Marketing Manager. She eventually moved to corporate event planning, where she earned an outstanding reputation and gained over a decade of experience. Today, she’s returning to the field and is excited to continue her career.

Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta, GA


If you’re new to event planning, consider tips like these to help you succeed as Nathalie Bevis has throughout her years in the field:

  • Study Communication

An event planner with poor communication will likely run into their share of issues. You’ll need to have pristine speaking, writing, reading and listening skills so you always convey a clear point and understand what you’re being told. Better communication equals better event planning in almost every situation.

  • Create Dreams

Great event planners like Nathalie Bevis earn their reputations by creating dreams for their clients and them bringing them to life. Learn to understand and produce your clients’ wishes if you want to succeed in the industry. This will help you earn greater loyalty, but it also makes the profession much more rewarding.

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