Nathalie Bevis: Alpharetta, GA and the Travel Bug

Nathalie Bevis appreciates the welcome, warm environment that Alpharetta, GA provides to raise a family—not to mention tend a home and seek out career opportunities. But it’s the wider world that really grabs her attention, a “travel bug” that continues to inspire Nathalie Bevis to go beyond the confines of home and explore the diverse cultures and cuisines the world has to offer.

Bevis has traveled to many countries throughout her life, and plans on expanding her travel resume and learning about the world in much more depth in the years to come.

Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA

Nathalie Bevis: Alpharetta, GA Resident, Experienced World Traveler

Nathalie Bevis and her family call Alpharetta, GA home—though they rarely miss the opportunity to travel across the country and throughout the world. Experienced international traveler, Nathalie Bevis and her family enjoy the chance to immerse themselves in new cities, countries and cultures—and to explore new areas, landmarks and historically significant regions of the world.

Nathalie Bevis Alpharetta GA

Nathalie Bevis has been to places throughout North America, South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and the Caribbean.

Nathalie Bevis embraces being a mom

Alpharetta mom, Nathalie Bevis, embraces being a mom to her boys. In photo is Nathalie with her son. She is a former sales leader for Pliant Corporation.

Alpharetta Mom Nathalie Bevis

Nathalie Bevis also handles global trade shows and corporate conferences

Nathalie Bevis, 45, Alpharetta, is a seasoned corporate events planner. She understands the unique needs required by these events. Bevis has over a decade of experience in the industry and has planned corporate events in a different settings such as global trade shows and corporate conferences.


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Nathalie Bevis at Home in her Kitchen

Alpharetta woman, Nathalie Bevis, at home in her kitchen. Nathalie is a mom of two beautiful boys and a successful events planner. She enjoys helping others and contributing to the community by engaging in volunteer work.


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